Open table
This ministry consists of providing meals to which all morning visitors and attendees are invited. The meal is held at the host’s home and attended by others from the body. If you are a first time visitor, we hope you will plan to join us in a local home for fellowship following morning services.
The purpose of this ministry is not only to encourage those who might join us on Sunday for the first time, but also to set an example for the body as to how the Lord’s Day might be fully enjoyed. Accordingly, on a given Sunday, there may be up to four families hosting a meal.
Elder hospitality
One of the qualifications of an elder is that of hospitality (1 Tim. 3:2). The word in the original Greek literally refers to “the love of strangers.” This is an apt description of a man who has a passion to grow people in grace. Accordingly, the elders of BPC frequently enjoy fellowship with God’s people over a meal. This is not done out of compulsion, but out of the genuine desire to encourage God’s people in their walk with Christ.
Church Wide Meals
In order for BPC to grow together, it is crucial that the body meets outside of the setting of worship. In light of this, congregation-wide fellowships have been planned bi-monthly during the church year (congregational meals) and monthly during the summer (congregational picnics).