What to Expect
We hope you will join us for worship this Lord’s Day. If you should join us, know that you are welcome just as you are. Most people dress in business casual though there is most certainly not a dress code. Some dress formally while others do not. In the summer months many will wear shorts.
A frequent question asked pertains to the music used in worship. The answer is that the music utilized is that which enables the congregation best to worship God. The focus, therefore, is not on the worshipper’s personal taste but on that which honors the Lord best. Accordingly, music selection is not according to era or music type. Rather, that which drives the selection is the God we have come to worship; in this regard, we utilize the Trinity Hymnal which is a collection of some of the best hymnody used throughout the ages. However, this is not to say that we don’t occasionally use an insert. Again, the focus is not to capture a music genre, but to present acceptable worship to God.
As referenced in the section on worship, families are encouraged to keep their children in the worship service so that the children might learn to worship the Lord from an early age. We do have a nursery if the need should arise. However, we do not engage in the practice of children’s church. Studies have shown that a large percentage of children who are separated from adult worship as children never “return” when they are invited by their parent’s to rejoin them in worship. While they might sit in the seat with their family, their heart has been trained early to expect worship that is entertaining. Because of this emphasis on children engaging in the worship of God at an early age, we encourage all adults to parent in the pew. An excellent resource for this ministry is the book Parenting in the Pew by Robbie Castleman; it not only addresses the importance of the presence of children in worship, but it also gives practical insight and encouragement to equip the parent in their call to raise up true worshipers of God.