OPC Prayer Guides
Each week there are prayer request cards in the bulletin at Bethel. If you have a prayer request, you are encouraged to write it down and put it in the offering plate as part of your devotion to God (i.e. casting your cares upon him because he cares for you – 1 Peter 5:7). These prayer requests are collected and distributed to the body so long as they are not marked confidential. If you are a member at Bethel or a regular attender, you should be receiving this list each week. If you aren’t please inquire how you can be part of the distribution. These prayer requests provide many prayer opportunities for your local brothers and sisters in Christ at Bethel.
OPC Missions
Likewise, each week there are inserts in the bulletins for Foreign and Home Missions within the OPC. Praying for these missionaries gives you the opportunity to be part of their work. In reference to missions, John Piper gave three categories: “you are either going, sending, or disobedient.” If you are not a missionary in the field, the hope is that you are one who is sending missionaries and not being disobedient to the Great Commission. Our congregation contributes to the “sending” portion of missions by contributing financially to the mission work of the OPC. If you give to Bethel, you already take part in this, but you should make your contribution much more personal by praying for the missionaries listed in the bulletin each week.