Audio Resources
Ephesians 4 teaches us that Christ has gifted the church with various offices and callings to the building up of the body and for the saints to be equipped for the work of service. Other portions of Scripture speak of gifts from the Spirit which are given for the good of all (1 Cor. 12). According to Ephesians 4, some men are gifted as pastors and teachers. Since these gifts are given for the good of the entire church, we should make use of them for our own edification. God has blessed the world with recorded audio, and it has been a great tool for the kingdom. As saints living in the 21st century, we have access to a wealth of recorded sermons, teaching series, conference lectures, classroom lectures, and audio books from gifted pastors and teachers. We have gathered some audio resources that can help you to grow in grace as you commute to work, exercise, mow the lawn, get ready in the morning, etc. May God bless your listening!