Outreach Ministries
As a local church and a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, we are vitally concerned for the lost and dying; therefore, we have a great desire to reach the many who have never heard the gospel or have yet to respond to it. Accordingly, Bethel Presbyterian Church is an ardent supporter of…
Home Missions which seeks to assists the presbyteries of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in planting new churches throughout the United States and Canada.
Foreign Missions which endeavors to establish gospel-driven, and so word-driven, churches throughout the world. Currently, the focus of this ministry involves eight active mission fields- China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Haiti, Quebec, Uganda, Ukraine, and Uruguay. Every missionary of the OPC is fully funded by the OPC which means years of active missionary work is not spent endeavoring to raise money for the field.
Evangelism Explosion which seeks to train up the body of Christ at Bethel to engage the culture in which we live. This ministry not only instructs the participant on the content of the gospel, but it also gives hands-on ministry opportunity in sharing the gospel with the lost and dying.
Easter Outreach Banquet which is held in conjunction with Easter. Following morning worship, all study hour classes are cancelled in lieu of a fellowship meal at which time testimonies are given and the gospel is presented in the ardent hope that all who hear might believe!